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Why the red HRC marriage equality campaign was a hit on Facebook

If you logged onto Facebook yesterday, odds are you saw a red version of the Human Rights Campaign’s logo in your feed, in support of marriage equality while the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments for and against DOMA and California’s Proposition 8.

According to CNN, about 10 million people saw the image on Facebook. So, how the heck did HRC get millions of people to share their logo (of all things)? This post breaks down what made the campaign a success, and what we can learn from it.

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No More Google Reader: Now what?

You’ve probably heard by now that Google Reader will be no longer as of July 1, of this year. Here’s a great alternative.

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All about email segmentation

More and more, folks are starting to realize that one size doesn’t fit all. If you want your email subscribers to keep opening your emails, taking action, and moving up the ladder of engagement, you’ve got to make sure the emails they’re receiving are relevant to their lives. One of the ways you can do this is with segmentation. This post explores the many ways you can segment your email list.

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Creating shareable images in under 5 minutes (without money or design skills)

We all know that images are king on Facebook. Images with text are incredibly popular and people love to share them. In fact, one of the organizations I mentored recently tried creating and sharing an image with text on Facebook for the first time and found that it was shared 100 times more than their previously most popular post!

The truth is that you really don’t need an abundance of time or money to create shareable images. Here’s how you do it on the cheap and easy.

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How folks are using Facebook: Stats & take-aways for nonprofits

As Facebook engagement continues to decline, some of us have been wondering how many people are still using the platform regularly. Well, a report from the Pew Research Center published last week sheds a little light on the subject. Here are a few highlights from the report and key take-aways for causes and nonprofits.

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How to calculate ROI

Ever wonder if what you’re doing is worth it? If you’re spending money on marketing, some simple math can help you determine if your efforts are worthwhile or a big waste of time.

Nonprofits and causes rarely have extra money to spare, so it’s important that we spend the money we do have wisely. Calculating return on investment (ROI) can help you evaluate your paid marketing program and decide how to best spend your money in the future.

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