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Training at Netroots Nation: How to craft a winning proposal

So, you want to give a training at Netroots Nation? Great! In order to create the most well-rounded agenda possible for NN12, we’re asking members of the community like you to help us develop and organize the sessions. Check out this post for tips on what people are interested in learning and how you can craft a good session.

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Moving beyond tactics

When you’re working for change and running low on resources and high on ambitions, it’s tempting to jump right to the chase. For those of us in the online space this often means jumping into tactics before you’ve figured out a clear plan for using them to achieve your goals. This might mean creating a new Twitter or Google+ account, deciding your organization absolutely must have a video, etc. These can be powerful tools, but without an action plan, they can turn out to be just the opposite– drains on budget and staff time.

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