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NN12 Preview: Winning Wireless

Text messaging is already the de facto way our society communicates. Since people are already communicating with each other over text, shouldn’t that be how you’re reaching them too? More and more groups are realizing that a mobile campaign can be a simple and effective way to build a list of supporters and reach them with targeted, relevant information.

In this post, I’ll step through why a mobile campaign is an important part of your outreach strategy.

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NN12 Preview: Don’t be a slacktivist—how to make clicks mean something

What’s the difference between slacktivism and online actions that are actually meaningful? In this Netroots Nation 2012 preview, trainer Jason Rosenbaum describes how a good theory of change is critical to making an online campaign impactful and successful.

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Why I care about Pinterest

Recently a fellow ‘Winning the Internet’ blogger lamented on why she didn’t “care about Pinterest.” I promised her that I write a post to counter her position, and here it is!

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What are you measuring?

In today’s ever changing communication landscape, you should liken your social media efforts to building a house. You’ll create your blueprint (social, web, mobile, etc), amass your tools (Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Flickr, YouTube and FourSquare), and finally, bring your rulers and leveler (outcome and output measurements).

By definition, output measurements measure those that are tangible and concrete, but social media is about engagement. How do you measure that?

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We want to send out a bunch of tweets about…

Have you ever opened an email from one of your partners or program staff that starts off with “We want to send out a bunch tweets about…”? This post explores how you can turn this kind of request into an opportunity to share ideas about basic “Tweet Anatomy”.

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Video title = email subject line

Making a great video is hard, but once you do it’s still only half the battle. The second part is getting people to watch it. And before they can watch it, they need to click-to-play it. To solve this problem, it helps to think like an email campaigner. Think of the video title as an email subject line.

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