Winning the Internet

New Year’s resolutions, Winning the Internet style

Well, it’s a new year! Yes, it’s an opportunity to finally get those abs you’ve always wanted, but it’s also an opportunity to become a stronger online organizer and create more change than ever before. Check out this post for great resources for some of the most needed resolutions.

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What to do in 2014? Make headlines!

Looking forward to 2014? Here’s how to make headlines!

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Year-end fundraising tips

It’s that time of the year again—fundraising time! Many organizations do about half of their fundraising during this part of the year, so this is definitely something worth spending time on. As you’re working on your appeals, here are a few tips to keep in mind to raise as much money as you can.

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Can Your Org Jump on Rapid Response Opportunities?

For most advocacy organizations, the easiest way to build an email list is by running a popular petition campaign. Most of the time these are rapid response campaigns that involve jumping on the news or a hot topic.

Is your organization setup to take advantage of these kinds of opportunities? This post guides you through the process of developing a rapid response action plan.

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What you can learn from the the Affordable Care Act web launch

Even if you haven’t been in the market for insurance it’s been pretty much impossible to flip on your TV, radio or check in to your favorite spots online without hearing something about the problematic website launch. Why would we be adding more commentary to the pile here? Well, we don’t intend to actually.

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Juicy bits you need to know about Facebook, now

Here’s a quick must read on what works – and what doesn’t on the social media giant, Facebook.

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