Winning the Internet

15 interviews with progressive activists

Leading up to Netroots Nation 2014 we’ve been interviewing the convention’s trainers about some of online activism’s most popular topics. If you can’t join us in Detroit, don’t miss these interviews.

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Using video to change hearts and minds

Well-produced video allows you to harness the power of visual storytelling and reach your audience in a deep and memorable way. In this interview Amy Hendrick of AFSCME talks about the fundamentals of visual storytelling and video production, and telling powerful, intimate stories – the subject of her upcoming Netroots Nation training with Jennifer Wynter-Phillis of SEIU.

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New Media Mentors: Why We Do What We Do

It’s been over three years since we launched New Media Mentors. Here’s why we do what we do.

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Stories from the field: Lessons from the 2013 immigration reform battle

Despite the media declaring immigration reform dead last year, the power of personal stories has revived the fight again and again. In this post Olivia Chow and Emilia Gutierrez of Reform Immigration FOR America talk about how organizers made individuals’ stories spread and how people working on other issues can incorporate stories into their own campaigns – the topic of their upcoming Netroots Nation training session.

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Beyond Excel: How to analyze your data in SQL

Many data analysts are able to force Excel into doing the things they need, but once the data gets big enough, Excel starts to break or takes minutes to process things. In this interview Yahel Carmom of Blue State Digital talks about using SQL to analyze data – the subject of his upcoming Netroots Nation training session.

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Vision, values, voice: Building powerful messages to win

If you’ve read anything on political messaging lately, you know you’re supposed to be talking about values and perfecting the art of storytelling. But what does that mean? In this interview Julie Fisher-Rowe of Opportunity Agenda talks about taking a values-based approach to messaging- the subject of her upcoming Netroots Nation training with Alan Jenkins.

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