Winning the Internet

How the Internet Beat SOPA and PIPA: Advocacy in a Networked World (Part 2)

On Jan 18, 2012, the web pulled off a much-publicized and widely coordinated protest campaign to oppose SOPA and PIPA by “going dark.” The effort, which included participation by notable web giants such as Google, Mozilla, Craigslist, and Wikipedia, was aimed at building public opposition to 2 proposed anti-piracy bills that were moving through Congress – the Stop Online Privacy Act in the House of Representatives (SOPA) and the Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA) in the Senate. This is the second post in a two-part series that breaks down this mindboggling and precedent setting win.

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Facebook announces Timeline for pages

It’s been long speculated that Facebook would be announcing Timeline for pages and possibly other goodies today. AllFacebook has a good post on what’s new with some screen shots. Over the next several weeks we’ll be building out the timeline for our page and we’ll document the process. Once it’s published we’ll share the results with our readers here in the hope that it’ll help you approach your pages in a strategic way as well.

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How the Internet Beat SOPA and PIPA: Advocacy in a Networked World (Part 1)

On Jan 18, 2012, the web pulled off a much-publicized and widely coordinated protest campaign to oppose SOPA and PIPA by “going dark.” The effort, which included participation by notable web giants such as Google, Mozilla, Craigslist, and Wikipedia, was aimed at building public opposition to 2 proposed anti-piracy bills that were moving through Congress – the Stop Online Privacy Act in the House of Representatives (SOPA) and the Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA) in the Senate. This is the first post in a two-part series that breaks down this mindboggling and precedent setting win.

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We want to send out a bunch of tweets about…

Have you ever opened an email from one of your partners or program staff that starts off with “We want to send out a bunch tweets about…”? This post explores how you can turn this kind of request into an opportunity to share ideas about basic “Tweet Anatomy”.

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Enter the TechSoup Digital Story Challenge

TechSoup is in the midst of an exciting challenge called the Digital Story Challenge. Submit your one-minute video or five-photo slideshow to win excellent award donations from their partners. The deadline to apply is February 29th and I’ll be one of the judges.

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Friday Linx: British edition

Friday Linx is a recurring feature on our blog. We’re aiming to bring you a collection of links worth a read and cute cat video to ease you into the weekend. You’ll also find items on NetrootsUK, Google+, social media impact, SEO, and training opportunities below.

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