Winning the Internet

My learnings from New Media Mentors

All week I’ve been sharing learnings from my last year mentoring for New Media Mentors. Here’s a recap of the posts in case you missed them.

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What are you measuring?

In today’s ever changing communication landscape, you should liken your social media efforts to building a house. You’ll create your blueprint (social, web, mobile, etc), amass your tools (Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Flickr, YouTube and FourSquare), and finally, bring your rulers and leveler (outcome and output measurements).

By definition, output measurements measure those that are tangible and concrete, but social media is about engagement. How do you measure that?

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Change is possible—with the support of your organization

I’ve been relaying lessons from the first year of New Media Mentors all week. Today’s lesson gets at the heart of what it takes to really change the culture of an organization. Change is possible, but the support of the organization is key.

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Creating a killer new media program takes hard work

All week I’ll be writing about my key-takeaways from my last year as a mentor for New Media Mentors. Today’s insight is all about rolling up your sleeves: Creating a killer new media program takes hard work. This post digs into the requirements of a solid new media program: strategic thinking, appreciation for messaging, an eye for opportunities, commitment to timeliness, regular measurement and analysis.

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Focus on ROI, not new toys

For the last year I’ve been on a quest to figure out what it takes to turn an organization’s new media program into a successful one. I’ve mentored seven incredible organizations as part of our New Media Mentors program, and have learned a ton in the process. All this week I’ll be publishing my key take-aways from our pilot.

My first one’s a doozy: Focus on ROI, not new toys

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Friday Linx: Yum yum yum edition

Friday Linx is a recurring feature on our blog. We’re aiming to bring you a collection of links worth a read and cute cat video to ease you into the weekend. Today’s post includes my favorite cat video of all time and items on measuring pins to Pinterest from your site, Kony 2012, the new Facebook Causes, and conducting a professional photo shoot on the cheap.

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