Winning the Internet

New Media Mentors: 3 new grantees!

We just recently wrapped up mentorships with four incredible nonprofit organizations, and are about to embark on our next journey with three new organizations. We’re excited to announce our third cohort…

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Your Facebook Timeline strategy

Whether you were ready or note Facebook turned on Timeline for all pages on March 30th. What you’ve likely seen a lot of is write-ups about the new features available to you. This isn’t another piece about features, it’s about strategy.

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Netroots Connect: Bringing together online and offline voices

Since its inception, Netroots Nation has been a great place to meet, organize and learn from each other. With over 2,000 attendees, the conference not only provides the opportunity to connect with people people engaged in similar work, but also allows people who have worked together on line for months, or in some cases years, to finally meet face-to-face. It’s at Netroots Nation that folks are able to match faces to domain names, organizations and publicatons and, in turn interact personally.

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Google Analytics: Fun with advanced segments

Do you know how to use Google Analytics to see how a subset of your visitors are using your website? It’s easy with Advanced Segments! Today’s post details how to create an Advanced Segment and highlights some of my favorite Advanced Segments.

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Friday Linx: Happy birthday Twitter edition

Friday Linx is a recurring feature on our blog. We’re aiming to bring you a collection of links worth a read and cute cat video to ease you into the weekend. Below you’ll find items on Twitter, Google Analytics, new YouTube features, and new Facebook features.

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The Hunger Games, coal, and tapping into pop culture

In the “Hunger Games”, heroine Katniss Everdeen heralds from District 12—a coal mining area in the Appalachian Mountains. The residents of District 12 suffer from the same issues people face in coal mining towns today. This is an opportunity to have a mainstream conversation about coal!

Jumping on a hot topic like this can be very effective. This post details how you can use pop culture to tell your organization’s story.

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