Winning the Internet

Four kick-ass custom Google Analytics reports

An amazing amount of data can be found in Google Analytics—some may argue it’s too much data. This is where custom reports can be a huge help. With Google Analytics’ custom report tool you can create any report you want, save it, and view it as frequently as you like, with just a few of clicks.

This post walks you through setting up four super useful custom reports: 1) Traffic from social networks, 2) Traffic from blogs, 3) Most popular blog posts, and 4) Most popular pages (for a particular part of the site).

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Track outbound links with Google Analytics Event Tracking

For most of us, clicks on our websites that lead to other sites aren’t tracked at all. This can be a major drag, especially considering that donate and take action links often leads to third-party sites.

Fortunately, the good folks over at Google have created a solution! It’s called Event Tracking. With the right coding, you can track outbound links and just about any type of interaction within a page.

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Announcing: Netroots Nation 2012 training sessions!

I’m pleased to announce the official training line-up for Netroots Nation 2012! The sessions were selected from almost 90 submissions by a committee of training experts.

Thank you to those who submitted ideas—the competition this year was fierce. The sessions that made the final cut will be led by trainers from organizations like Democracy for America, NOI, Wellstone and Obama for America, plus nonprofits like Green for All and Advocates for Youth.

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Friday Linx: Bromail edition

Friday Linx is a recurring feature on our blog. We’re aiming to bring you a collection of links worth a read and cute cat video to ease you into the weekend. Well, the cats are on strike this weekend. So we bring you Jon Stewart instead. Below you’ll find items on Code Academy, Communications, Email, Benchmarking reports, and the best meme to hit the Internet this week.

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Benchmarking: How does your organization stack up to the rest?

Ever wonder how your organization’s new media program compares to other nonprofits’? Three benchmarking reports were just released that can help you answer that question.

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Social tracking with Google Analytics

Did you know that you can use Google Analytics to track social engagement on your website? It’s true!

The latest version of Google Analytics includes new social reports that you can use to measure social interactions on your website. “Social interactions” include clicks to your Facebook or Twitter page, Likes on a particular page or blog post, etc.

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