Winning the Internet

In case you missed Netroots Nation

The seventh annual Netroots Nation convention wrapped up a week and a half ago. The event was energizing and educational, with 30 trainings from leaders in the field (not to mention panels, keynotes and more). If you couldn’t make it in person, you can still check out the series of blog posts written by Netroots Nation trainers.

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Social Media Toolkits: all the cool kids have them (but most won’t share)

Many nonprofits and small organizations have jumped on the social media bandwagon because ‘everyone else is there’ or because their competition is doing it. But those aren’t good reasons to go at it without a plan and you owe it to yourself to put some structure in place. This post walks you through developing a social media toolkit for your organization.

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NN12 Preview: The Sweet Science of Winning the Interwebs Through Epic Shareability

Fact: You are the worst predictor of what content will go viral in the world. Learn how to optimize your headlines and content, double your Facebook fans and increase user engagement. Steal our secret recipe to get larger shares. We’ll tell you all the counter intuitive things we learned, like why “Republican” tests better than “GOP” in headlines, why pretty design actually hurts sharing and how to leverage partnerships to get your organization on the top of the social sharing heap.

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NN12 Preview: 3 reasons to blog on national security in 2012

For too long, progressives have been on the defensive when national defense is concerned. But no longer. President Obama has one of the strongest records on national security and foreign policy of any president in recent memory. As a result, the Left is suddenly seeing national security as a winning campaign issue.

It’s time for progressives to engage security voters. This post highlights three reasons you should consider blogging on national security in 2012.

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NN12 Preview: Can offline marketing efforts be tracked?

While grassroots marketing efforts are moving online, there are still lots of things we do to enact change and create awareness offline. Unfortunately, it’s really difficult to understand how well these are working when it comes to driving traffic to our website.

Is it a radio campaign, a mailer, word of mouth? You may want to throw your hands in the air when it comes to traffic offline traffic, but don’t give up home, because there is a way!

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NN12 Preview: Winning Wireless

Text messaging is already the de facto way our society communicates. Since people are already communicating with each other over text, shouldn’t that be how you’re reaching them too? More and more groups are realizing that a mobile campaign can be a simple and effective way to build a list of supporters and reach them with targeted, relevant information.

In this post, I’ll step through why a mobile campaign is an important part of your outreach strategy.

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