Winning the Internet

Kill the Press Release: Pitching Media in a New Media World

The press release was born in 1906, before the internet, mobile phones or television. In 2013, most PR professionals blast their media database with a one-size-fits-all message.

As we gear up for Netroots Nation 2013, we’re taking a closer look at some of the convention’s hottest training sessions. Today we’re interviewing Chris Cassidy, who’ll be leading Kill the Press Release: Pitching Media in a New Media World. This training will provide an overview on how to set goals, develop a pitch list without an expensive database and craft pitches that stand out in inboxes.

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Seeing is Believing: Visual Storytelling Best Practices

You’ve heard countless times that a picture is worth a thousand words. But how often have you actually taken that knowledge and opted for a picture instead of a paragraph to create powerful messages for your organization?

As we gear up for Netroots Nation 2013, we’re taking a closer look at some of the convention’s hottest training sessions. Today we’re interviewing Liz Banse, who’ll be leading Seeing is Believing: Visual Storytelling Best Practices.

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How to Win the Internet

Over the years New Media Mentors has had the opportunity to mentor a diverse set of organizations that aspire to take their new media work to the next level. Based on that experience we’ve put together “How to Win the Internet” which can be used as a framework for setting nonprofit organizations up for success online.

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What to Know about Social Media

Check out this juicy information on the real value of social media for non profits.

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Introducing… the Netroots Nation 2013 training lineup!

We are excited to announce the Netroots Nation 2013 lineup! This will be our biggest training program ever, with a whopping 40 trainings led by some of the top trainers and practitioners in the progressive movement, including folks from NOI, Upworthy, Mother Jones, and more.

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Why the red HRC marriage equality campaign was a hit on Facebook

If you logged onto Facebook yesterday, odds are you saw a red version of the Human Rights Campaign’s logo in your feed, in support of marriage equality while the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments for and against DOMA and California’s Proposition 8.

According to CNN, about 10 million people saw the image on Facebook. So, how the heck did HRC get millions of people to share their logo (of all things)? This post breaks down what made the campaign a success, and what we can learn from it.

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