Winning the Internet

Mentoring, blog & baby – oh my!

I just wanted to write a quick post to let our loyal readers know that I’ll be on maternity leave starting tomorrow. While I’m caring for my own little activist-in-training, Liza Pike and Mary Rickles will be taking good care of this blog, so please keep reading!

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How to get the most out of a training, conference or webinar

Have you ever attended a totally inspiring and energizing training, webinar, or conference, only to return to “business as usual” once you get back to your desk? If so, you’re not alone!

This post features a few tips for getting the most out of trainings, conferences and webinars, using a learning-by-doing mentality.

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Maximizing the deliverability of your organization’s mass email

In the past year more and more organizations have been reporting trouble getting their mass emails delivered to inboxes with Gmail, Hotmail, or both. This post breaks down the problem and explains what you can do to resolve it.

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Optimize Your Facebook Headlines For Petitions

What makes people click a link on Facebook? The Huffington Post, Upworthy, and other publications that have mastered the art of using a social media curiosity gap to encourage clicks to their content.

You may want to apply this strategy for Facebook headlines, but there is at least one case where a curiosity gap will do more harm than good.

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Netroots Nation 2013 Training Roundup

Netroots Nation 2013 offered 38 incredible training sessions led by leaders in the field. If you weren’t able to attend the convention, don’t despair! Leading up to the event we interviewed 20 trainers about their sessions and captured nuggets of wisdom from each. This post includes links to all of the interviews.

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The Online Laboratory: Perfecting Your Outreach Through Email Testing

Every email list is different, so how do you know what to say? What messaging will motivate your supporters the most? What subject lines will grab their attention? Which email layout will get them to click through?

As we gear up for Netroots Nation 2013, we’re taking a closer look at some of the convention’s hottest training sessions. Today’s post focuses on a session designed to teach attendees the basics of email testing including what defines effective testing, what tools they need to get started, testing best practices, how to determine if a test was statistically significant and how to use testing results to develop best practices.

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