Winning the Internet

New Twitter Analytics: It’s a Start

After a great run, the Winning the Internet blog has been retired. However, you can still keep in touch with New Media Mentors here.

Twitter recently made their analytics tools available to all users. When I first heard this I was excited. I logged into the analytics center and was dazzled by the Tweets dashboard. On first glance it’s very pretty:

Twitter analytics tweets
But then I really started looking at it. The dashboard shows you how many impressions (people seeing your tweet) and engagements (people interacting with your tweet) your tweets have gotten in the last 28 days. In addition to looking at their pretty graph and table, you can export the data too, which is great. This works well for casually looking at how your most recent tweets have performed.

The major drag is that you can’t change the date range. This makes this tool unusable for analyzing more than the last few weeks, unless you remember to log in every 28 days or less, download your data, and compile it in Excel.

The info on the followers page is also interesting, and once again very pretty, though still hobbled by the lack of a date range selector.

Twitter analytics followers

The tool lets you get a feel for who your followers are at a glance, which can be helpful for folks that don’t really know who they’re talking to when they tweet. There’s also a bunch of data relating to Twitter cards if you use those.

My opinion? It’s worth checking out, but I’m not sure it’s going to change the way you measure success on Twitter. I’m still a fan of Crowdbooster if you can do $9/mo.

About Melissa Foley

Melissa is the Director of Training and Mentoring for Netroots Foundation and New Media Mentors. She aims to use her MBA + nonprofit background to teach organizations to use new media tools strategically.


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